
ATG World is a social networking platform that makes the world smaller by connecting people around the world. It is designed for the user to perform various possible functionality such as build connections, join groups, create events, job sections, forums, questions / answers, and more.

Awesome Feature
  • The user can choose the groups/profession/Interest from the available list which they want to add to their account
  • The user can invite their friends from various social media platforms to make them aware about latest events or conference
  • Each Group that user has joined has a particular ranking
  • User can post the questions on relevant groups
  • User can share the post on social media platforms like Facebook, twitter, Google +
  • User can create events
  • Upvote & Downvote functionality and calculating the ranking based on upvote and downvote
  • Integrating trending functionality to the posts from all groups
  • Connecting peers based on social graph analysis match
  • Integrating sound cloud API, and video clips API integration
  • Advance search functionality

Solution Category

  • Social Platform.