Top 10 Ways A Digital Marketing Agency Can Boost Your Business Presence

Over a few decades, the way marketing and advertising are conducted for businesses has seen a paradigm shift. A few decades ago, newspapers and magazines were the sources of marketing for businesses. Television and radio ads were a highly expensive method of advertising. However, they are still in existence but are not that effective. Today is the era of digital marketing.   

Technology has changed rapidly. Today businesses are hiring online marketers to stay amid the cutthroat digital marketing competition. Search engines, social media, and advertising platforms play a vital role in figuring out online-selling strategies and branding effectiveness. Stat says that 81% of customers conduct online research before purchasing. You can approach one of the best digital marketing agencies to kickstart your brand’s digital presence and attract potential customers. If your business has overlooked the idea of digital marketing, then you might have lost a good number of potential customers till date. Doing it yourself can be a good idea, provided you have a sharp knowledge of the domain; else, it can backfire your personal approach. It is always advised to hire a digital marketing agency for better results.    

In fact, every type and size of business must rely on digital marketing to gain leads that can convert into buyers. If you are one of those business owners wondering how much a digital marketing agency can really help your business expand, we can ease your concern. Listed below are the top 10 ways a digital marketing agency can help in expanding any business model.   

Top 10 ways a digital marketing agency can help your business expand   

  • Email Marketing Campaigns  

You might have thought that email marketing is of no more importance. But the fact is that if executed precisely, it will make your readers adhere to every word and look forward to future correspondence. If not, your emails might get dumped without readers taking the pain in reading them.   

A strategically executed email campaign provides readers with valuable content highlighting exclusive deals and more. It not only seizes user attention but also builds a tangible relationship with your potential customers.     

A good digital marketing agency will-   

  • Remove inactive email addresses   
  • Design layouts that match your brand aesthetics   
  • Create separate email campaigns for different lead varieties     
  • Generate leads through email communications   
  • Create engaging email campaigns that can increase brand awareness and build trust   


  • Enhances Digital Visibility   

As we already know, the majority of shoppers research online before purchasing any products. Hence if you are working to boost your online visibility, then you stand a chance to be the first one to appear when your target audience looks for your product. If you don’t care about enhancing your brand’s visibility, your competitors will show up first.   

To be visible online, you will need a consistent social media presence and seamless mobile responsiveness on all your digital platforms.    

A diligent digital marketing agency will work accordingly, where all these factors interact. They will put their best efforts to ensure that you are the first one to pop-up when a customer searches for products/services belonging to your niche.   

  • Caters to Mobile Users 

Today, more number of people are using their smartphones and tablets than their PC or laptop unless they are working. People find it handy and take their smartphones everywhere they go. Therefore, a digital agency will know how to cater to those who use mobile gadgets efficiently so that they can see what your business has to offer. Stat says 52.95% of people use Mobile compared to 43.11% on desktop worldwide, as of July 2018.   

  • Content Creation and Optimization  

Content marketing is one of the promising ways to raise brand awareness. It focuses on building a strong relationship with potential customers by providing them the desired information in writing. No doubt, content marketing is a subtle way to win customers with indirect advertising. As per a report, content marketing revenue will exceed $300 billion by 2020.   

Stats say: 

  • 70% of internet users wish to learn about products through content than any traditional advertisements.   
  • 53% of marketers say that blogging is their top content marketing priority.   
  • 57% of content downloads generate leads with the highest conversion rates.   
  • 60% of marketers create at least one content piece each day. 

Often businesses are trapped in the archetypal advertisement. Each piece of content they post will feels like a blatant call for sale. Customers always look for some valuable information, and here they find no value addition. Thus, never return to their webpage.    

This is where the role of digital marketing agencies will pop-up. With their market expertise, they help you create engaging content that aims to answer potential clients’ queries. The way of answering may differ, including: 

  • Blogs and articles  
  • Guest articles   
  • Digital Contests  
  • Webinars  
  • Videos  
  • Apps  
  • Podcasts 

If you have realized creating engaging content is not easy. This gives you another reason to hire professionals who are pro at their approach.   

  • Helps in Traffic Conversion  

The objective of hiring a social media marketing agency is to bring quality traffic to your business. They efficiently use social media platforms to drive leads to your website. They even utilize techniques that will increase the chances of lead generation and conversion. And this is what makes this service cost-effective.   

By using the traditional ways of advertising, there is and was never a way to check on the conversion. And the latest way of advertising (i.e., online marketing) gives you the authority to monitor the traffic conversion.    

  • Cost-Effective way to bring your Business under the limelight  

It is already known that traditional marketing methods, such as using television and radio ads, cost very high. However, the cost of digital marketing is more affordable and efficient. Regardless of businesses investing in social media management, email marketing, SEO services, or other types of online marketing methods. It is affordable for businesses, which runs on the budget as they can choose the type of services they will utilize to outshine.   

Businesses run more smoothly by using digital marketing services as it saves their expense of hiring an in-house marketer. By hiring an online marketer from an agency means they will not have to worry about paying employee benefits as well.   

  • Data-driven analytics  

You might be happy with the likes and comments on your social media posts. Even your blogs are getting a few shares, but these are just vanity metrics. These engagements will not help you understand whether you are getting an equivalent return on your investments (ROI). Fortunately, a digital marketing agency can help you in getting concrete statistics and data analytics. They work after letting you know what exactly is working for a brand, whether the visible traffic can get converted into leads or not, and other related factors. They will not just track the numbers but will ensure that they improve over time. A few of the statistics you may expect are: 

  • Consumer engagement  
  • Site speed  
  • Macro and micro conversions  
  • Click-through rates (CTR)  
  • Organic, direct, referral, social, and paid traffic
  • Customer engagement and reputation management  

Social media has surely revolutionized the digital marketing game. Businesses and customers are now allowed to interact and communicate with each other with just a button click. The social media platforms like LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter are necessities of today’s mobile-centric world. Just your existence on these sites is not enough; you have to become an active user to get engaged with your target audience. Getting a huge stream of social media traffic will mean nothing if you aren’t able to convert those visitors to leads and then into your customers.    

So, what is the solution? Who can help you with this?    

Well, again, the answer is a proficient digital marketing agency. They will not only keep your posts fresh but also-   

  • Listen to your audience wants and needs   
  • Personally, engage with them 
  • Respond to your customers in a way that leaves them satisfied and curates a positive reputation for your brand   

Often reputation management is overlooked in social media marketing. It is an effort to influence what and how people think of a brand when viewed online. In today’s digital era, consumers’ negative experience travels fast. Any type of negative reviews on Google+ Review, Just Dial, etc., can ruin your brand’s online reputation in seconds. However, joining hands with a good digital marketing company will not let that happen. They monitor customer feedback and interact directly with disgruntled customers to resolve their problems efficiently and quickly.   

  • Trust is built, and a brand reputation is created  

Any social media marketing agency’s only efforts are to help your brand build trust between the potential customer or client and the business. To make this happen, they gather testimonials from previous buyers to share with the public through websites and businesses’ social platforms. They also are forward in developing trust through engagement between the business and potential and existing customers.   

  • Online business survival is ensured  

Suppose your business website has many visitors, but they aren’t converting, then such visitors are of no concern for your business’s well-being as that alone cannot keep your business alive. You will always need to turn the leads into potential buyers. And this is how a digital marketing agency will ensure that your business survives and flourishes. It will make sure that those leads get converted into buyers by utilizing their tactics.   

Wrapping up   

The professionals at the top digital marketing agency like Best1Tech only want to ensure that your business survives and thrives. This is the reason why you need to rely on our professional services. 

Traditional marketing methods are not always effective, cost-effective, and guarantees that your business will survive. Hence, the best way to nurture your business is by hiring online marketers who can bring the success that your brand deserves.   

We will help you increase your ROI without expecting you to spend a ton of money on your in-house teams.   

Contact us to discuss further. 

Captivating Technical SEO Tactics That Can Help Your Business Grow

Search engine optimization in itself is wide domain. The elusive degrees of SEO are often unnoticed, with companies around the world choosing the wrong focus on their SEO resources regularly.

digital marketing services

You often see companies doing offline activities, like hosting a networking event, that isn’t written on an online platform. This is an excellent SEO opportunity to waste offline activities as golden gifts to improve the SEO of your website or blog. Keeping an online diary of offline events will help people find your site when searching for an event.

What To Do About SEO Technicalities For Better Traffic?


  • Page speed and optimization

The two most important factors that affect your SERP ranking are page speed and performance. When it takes a long time to load your site, the overall user experience disintegrates quickly, conversions dry up, and users come back more often without interference. Google can measure all of this by collecting real-world user data through the Chrome browser on the desktop and mobile.

Parameters to target: page loading time, HTTPS, and mobile responsiveness,

  • Structural data optimization

Structured data is the code on your website that is written in a specific way so that search engines can understand it and use it to display more complex search results for your content. By optimizing structured data, Google can transform its SERP results into “rich snippets” that generally increase CTR and traffic.

Parameters to target: Breadcrumbs and Accelerated mobile pages

  • HTML and Meta tags

Google crawlers examine the HTML and Meta tags on each page of your webpage to identify the content on that page and the keywords classified. By optimizing the HTML code on each page of your site around a specific keyword, searchers can determine which keyword to rank individual pages in SERP.

Parameters to target: Meta descriptions, Title and header tags.

  • Content structure

Optimizing the content structure of your website is an important part of this technical SEO check. Many search engines are concerned with how the content on your site is structured and optimized. With well-organized content, not only is it easier for human users to navigate, but it is also more convenient for search engines that want to control the organization of the content on their website.

Parameters to target: Keyword optimization, limiting crawl depth, content length, Alt Text.

  • Find the URL

Each URL on your webpage is the content address that a searcher or human user needs to access. Creating URLs relevant to search engines and their audience is both an art and a science.

Parameters to target: canonical errors, underscores in URL, URL length, URL structure.

How Search Engine Optimization Works Technically?

Digital Marketing

Search engines’ advanced nature and ranking factors make it difficult for SEO professionals to rank or reach potential users. Thus, a series of tasks are performed to better connect with the search engines and obtain better quality traffic on the search engines, a current process called search engine optimization. SEO is a subset of SEM that does not involve expensive activities, such as keywords, and is entirely focused on getting organic traffic by optimizing several factors.

Google claims that a search engine searches web pages for the links below, ranks the pages based on content and other factors, and keeps track of the index. When users complete a search query, the search algorithms analyze the search and index the relevant documents, classify them based on more than 200 classification factors and return them based on the results of the SERPs. Google claims to have more than 60 trillion pages controlled by algorithms. Algorithms are at the heart of the search engine and consist of computer processes and logic that support user requests and conversions.

Moving To New Combination Of SEO And Digital Marketing Duo

There isn’t seem to be much difference between the SEO and digital marketing services approaches; both perform the same functions and have skills. Different headlines are used for marketing purposes only. To understand this, we must deeply consider these concepts.

SEO professionals are committed to organic success, while digital marketers are committed to a total online existence beyond SEO. In practice, an SEO consultant usually deals with other areas of digital marketing. And an entire digital SEO marketing service can be named SEO packages, making it easier for customers to understand it.

The current trend includes several other services, as well as website optimization and search marketing. For example, several factors are used in SEO, such as blogs through SEO content, contextual marketing, behavioral marketing, mobile advertising, textual banner alternatives, social media marketing, and viral marketing. For that, there must be a solid digital marketing and SEO strategy.

Don’t forget to use all of the above to improve your SEO presence, just a few simple steps. Ensure offline activities are well-documented and easy to find online, so users and potential users can find them. Update the FAQ sections, not outdated and dusty; also make sure that the valuable media push you to your page and vice versa. By following these tips, you can only improve your SEO score, which will bring more traffic to your website.

Conduct results search in SERP, here was the research Google organic click through rate (CTR), which shows the quantitative measurement of search results on Google organic SERPs, mobile devices and website.

To the point,

Looking at the data above on global search engine market share, organic CTR, business SEO integration and case study results, we can assume that SEO has great potential. To increase business digital marketing must be integrated as a central element. In addition, companies are strongly committed to this track changes in search engines, marketing trends and adjust according to the SEO strategy to stay in the market.

Looking to get deep in the SEO game?

Best1Tech is one renowned digital marketing company delivering proven results to all size businesses. We craft result-oriented digital marketing strategies to help your business stand out.

Digital Marketing Services And AI: The Samurai Way

The ever-changing world of digital marketing is forcing companies to keep up with evolving marketing trends. In the digital age, where more and more companies are moving online, a good social campaign or paid advertising strategy that worked effectively in 2020 may not work in 2021. Digital Marketing is intertwined and there are several basics that a new marketing person needs to know. Business owners and marketers need the right tools that AI-based and strategies to overcome this moment. Digital platforms provide a link between marketers and the customers which should be deployed dynamically.

Check what you can do to keep your online positioning in place with digital marketing services.

Most Preferred Strategies For Successful Digital Marketing Plan

Use targeted marketing techniques. 

There are several ways to reach the target group. One of the main advantages of targeted marketing is that you can create exclusive campaigns for diverse audiences. You can target a selected group of people with a wide range of professional services. Targeted ads will get the right message to the right target group, which also makes this method convenient and affordable.

The strategy to be solved is to divide into segments to find users more accurately. Fortunately, digital marketing tools can now connect with consumers. Whether an organization addresses users more accurately depends on the data used.

Customize your marketing strategies

COVID-19 almost completely ended the retail phase, but brands grew in sales through e-commerce and direct-to-consumer marketing offers. Digital marketing is a new way to motivate users through their websites and applications. The rapid shift to digital marketing is its response to retail, which is still in a slump and may not recover for a while due to customer separations caused by customer fears. Brands that have focused their marketing efforts on brand awareness need to act quickly to personalize digital marketing.

Develop solid SEO strategies

As we found out, having an SEO strategy is even more important during a COVID pandemic. In other words, as offline and online customer segments become one, digital marketing is the only way to reach a wider audience.

Stay focused on Social media.

Being on social media platforms allows your company to engage with current and potential customers, becoming an irreplaceable online marketing strategy. You can use social media to engage customers, provide useful information about your business, and build relationships that encourage them to buy. If someone has questions about your business, they can contact you directly via social media and help you take your business’s next steps.

Hit clients Inbox 

Email marketing enables you to correlate directly with the people in your inbox. This can give you a great ROI; you have the power to spend every dollar wisely, and this walks you directly to the client. For example, if someone downloads an SEO guide, you can use additional resources to learn more about your services. Email is an instant way to keep in touch with current and potential customers and keep them informed to run their business.

Get Paid Ads push

PPC is a popular model of online advertising. Through PPC, marketers published sponsored links on search engines for specific keywords and phrases. If your bid is one of the highest for a given keyword, your ad will appear above natural search results when users type that keyword into the search bar.

One of PPC’s advantages as an internet marketing strategy is that your ad can drive qualified and potential traffic to your website as soon as a user clicks on it.

Build a strong reputation online 

Reputation management services make your business appear more secure to web users. It can help your company monitor and manage online assessments and ratings to improve your company’s online reputation. It also enables you to be proactive, avoid a reputation crisis, and show your strengths online. This will help you maintain and send positive comments on sites like Google, Yelp, and Facebook.

In the whole digital marketing process, many businesses happen to fail. And the reason is neglecting the touchpoints that can bring clients to you.

You Need to Avoid These Digital Marketing Errors Right Now

Internet Marketing Services

No Plan For Execution

Consistency may seem like a cliché, but its main reason is something that can have a big impact on your sales. Trust is the bridge between your company and your customers. This establishes the necessary connection to make the purchase.

Focus on building trust in your digital marketing, delivering as often as your audience needs. Do what you say you will do and keep your promises to your people.

Brand Uncertainty

Evaluate all elements of your brand to ensure that your message is consistent and clear. Also, note how these elements translate across platforms. You can evaluate the performance of something like aesthetics or copy by other people’s feedback.

Leniency For Social Media 

Each social media platform is a specific personality tool that appeals to a specific audience and requires certain actions to take advantage of it. To create an audience on LinkedIn, Twitter, you need to emphasize great engagement activities. In each of them, of course, there are nuances, but they generally fit their stereotypes.

Lack Of Customer Study

Establishing your ideal customer persona is one of the first steps you can take to get your message acknowledging, which draws attention. Research beyond the basics of age, activity, and location Identify the characteristics of the people you are looking for. Familiarize yourself with how the perfect prospect thinks, behaves, and works by conducting proper market research.

Lack Of Research

Market research should make you realize the type of person who needs your offer. Here you have to tell them what your weaknesses are and why they need your solution first. Accumulate enough details to help you forecast how your target will respond and then analyze the responses. Competitor analysis is also an important part of market research. This will help you with components like current market prices, lack of advertising, etc.

So what’s trending?

While adhering to most tested tips for effective digital marketing, one should also consider the present trend and how latest technologies such as AI is making online marketing more precise.

AI And Digital Marketing Make A Perfect Duo For Realistic Outcomes

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Artificial intelligence is a pioneering technology that adds special skills for a company’s digital marketing efforts. This has clearly changed companies’ approach to the digital space. The impact is obvious and multidimensional, which ended up meaningfully improving the customer experience.

Retailers invested around $5.9B in AI-based marketing and customer service solutions to improve shoppers’ buying experiences according to IDC.

AI tools are helping digital marketing companies to stay in sync with changing demographics and trends.

For many digital marketers Google Cloud AI, this is a safe and transparent tool for large-scale use of artificial intelligence products and services. You can use a template or customize on this cloud-based platform and easily integrate everything on your website.

Market Brew helps SEO professionals recognize the varying landscape of search engines. In most cases, it can take up to 60 days for search engine changes to note outcome, but with the new predictive services, you can stay updated and change your ranking in less than an hour.

Personalization is the future of B2C with AI in digital marketing. The ability of brands to personalize that users see and interact with is a competitive globally. Emarsys is a universal AI platform that allows brands to customize on a large scale. If you want to advance the user experience and increase sales through AI, this is the tool you should use.

For all marketers trying to use AI in their email marketing strategy, Siftrock is a tool to be used. Siftrock acts as a marketing automation plug-in that can automatically play your inbox and interact with it to deliver specific messages to desired users.

If marketing segmentation is the path you want to explore, Blueshift is a tool that tracks each individual customer and indicates which marketing actions are best for them based on their interaction history. Help your team drive and increase sales through personalized content.

Digital marketing has empowered brands to touch a wider audience in more accessible and quantifiable ways. As a marketer striving to succeed in 2020, it is critical that you learn to implement these secrets to stay competitive and lead with a modern approach. Develop a winning strategy ensures customer satisfaction while increasing your business sales. This translates into more sales and the definitive long-term relationship that every company seeks.

So planning to revamp your digital marketing strategies or looking to setup a whole new marketing campaign?

You should probably get acquainted with us.

Best1Tech is one of the top rated digital marketing service provider, enabling business to stay updated with the most trending online happenings and provide a long lasting online presence and engagement that yields.


What do you think, how difficult it is to build a strategy that helps reaps profit out of it? Yes, we mean how to have a robust result-oriented digital marketing strategy for your business. Having a working marketing plan makes your business competent to beat the competitors or hold a dominating position in the market.

Drafting an action plan that syncs well with your business goals and requirements can take your sales graph to the peaks. But knowing this fact, many businesses tend to plan an effective digital marketing strategy. Top of that, majority of them don’t even have a full proof strategy or are unware of the tools that are effective that can help them stand out.

And this ends up majority of the businesses running unprepared.

Digital marketing strategy outlines the path through which a company can achieve its business objectives using digital channels, platforms and thinking. It asserts clear targets, prioritizes audiences, recognizes customer needs and behaviors, and details channel use and platform requirements. In short, it sets out how you plan and use digital mediums to remain relentlessly important.

Why You Need Digital Marketing Services For Better ROI

When we talk about an ideal ROI, the best good marketing ROI is 5:1 and exception ROI is 10:1. Digital marketing plays an important role in shaping consumer behavior in today’s world, but what positive impact does this have on business?

Here are some reasons why every company should prioritize digital marketing over traditional advertising methods.

Digital marketing is equal to the Internet on an equal footing. As for the company’s visibility on the Internet and the opening of the store, location is also essential. When you can easily find on the Internet, publish your company name and update information regularly, users will arrive at your door.

It helps companies stay ahead of the competition. Digital marketing is the best way for a brand to compete with. Think SEO, Organic Search, Local Search, Google AdWords, Social Media, and Blogging. Businesses want to connect with as many people as possible, which is much easier on the Internet than in person. Online marketing is cheaper than traditional advertising. Traditional advertising can be expensive, whether through television, radio, newspapers, magazines, or direct mail. Business owners can now find cheap equivalents online. Think of YouTube instead of TV, blogs instead of magazines, social media flyers instead of podcasts instead of the radio.

Digital marketing offers analysis. The good news about digital marketing is that ad creators can find out what’s going on through analyses that are impossible to do with traditional advertising methods. Rapid analysis reports can test advertising campaigns and find out what is being read, viewed, or purchased.

Most Effective Ways to Start Your Digital Marketing Campaign

Any online channel through which a marketing campaign is executed is termed as digital marketing. This includes SEO services, email marketing, social media, advertising, and content marketing among others.

The success of your strategy depends on how organized and analyzed decisions you make. There are multiple mediums through which you can execute your strategies.

Three medias to run your digital marketing strategy;

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  • Owned media
  • Paid media
  • Earned media

Starting with,

Owned media

Owned media is the home to your content and acts as the guiding light to you marketing efforts.  It enables full control over your activities on various medium that fall under the owned media channels.

The owned media channels include;

  • Website / App
  • Blog
  • Email Marketing
  • Forums
  • Social media engagement

Tips to Craft Your Owned Media Process

  • Planning
  • Content strategy development
  • Content creation
  • Distribution
  • Measurement
  • Monitoring

Building your own media requires time and effort. And there is no way you can compromise on that.

Moving through,

Paid media

Paid media includes purchase of ad space to help a brand reach a larger audience. As the name suggests, content promotion through paid media comes with a quantified cost. This approach boosts traffic, drives sales, sand brings conversion through click within short time.

Let’s check the options available in paid media,

  • Paid social media
  • Search Engine Ads
  • Banner Ads
  • Native Ads

Considering the Internet boom, paid media will be here for a long time ahead. With artificial intelligence getting more smart and accurate, it becomes vital to invest in the ideal paid strategies to successfully run your paid media campaigns.

Next comes,

Earned Media

The earned media includes any content and conversation attributed to your brand or product owned by someone else and published on other channels rather than owned channels. It is basically awareness gained through reviews, word-of-mouth, guest posts, comments, feedback, coverage, and any other promotion excluding owned media and paid media. Earned media has the power to make your brand and increase engagement.

Moving ahead, let’s emphasize on some great techniques to beat the digital marketing game.

Top Digital Marketing Strategies You Should Execute Now

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Customize your marketing strategies

Digital marketing is a new way to encourage customers to buy through their websites and applications. A quick transition to digital marketing is its response to retail sales that continue to decline and may not recover for a while due to social distance imposed or driven by consumer fear. Brands that have focused most of their marketing efforts on brand awareness need to act quickly to personalize individual digital marketing.

Improve product visualization

Users expect to have access to all kinds of information at any time. Not only that, but they are also more prone to visually appealing products. By displaying a special product you can quickly and easily present your product so that users can see the details without having to read them.

Take advantage of tools that allow users to scale, rotate your product 360 °, and add contextual information tools. If 3D technology is integrated, use it to increase engagement and improve the customer experience.

Design solid SEO strategies

Business leaders are looking for companies that can provide professional digital marketing services to them. In other words, just as offline and online consumer segments become one, digital marketing is the only way to reach a wider audience when everyone is at home.

Apply targeted marketing techniques

There are several ways to reach a target group. One of the main benefits of targeting is that you can create unique campaigns for different audiences. You may need to advertise your home services to a selected group of people and your business services to another. With targeted ads, you get the right message for the right target group. And it turns out to be a low-cost method.

The approach to be solved is to distribute the segments to find customers with more precision. Fortunately, digital marketing tools can now communicate with customers. Whether the organization addresses customers more accurately depends on the use of the data.

Advanced product filtering

The more products you offer, the more your product filters will develop. No one has time to search your site based on a complicated inventory plan that makes no sense to them. Instead, give them tools to buy on your terms and quickly find what they need.

Let’s focus on factors that are now out fashioned,

Top Trends You Should Rule Out Of Your Digital Marketing Strategy

A great marketing campaign with full of flaws could be waste of efforts and money. Below are some old trends which are irrelevant at current scenarios.

Avoid Spamming For Your Users

Email subscribers are considered to be a very involved audience. But many business owners send spam to their customers by flooding them with long emails without solid sketches. Provide the time, purpose, and strategic approach for sending an email. Reach the right audience and use interactive features to get them to open and respond to your email. Try to create an email interaction instead of sending an arranged email.

Control Content publishing

Many marketers believe that the more content they make live, the more results they achieve. But they couldn’t be more wrong. Sure, long content improves traffic and increases rankings, but that doesn’t mean you can underestimate quality. Quality content means a lot to attract your audience and win your heart. Google is now looking for quality content with more relevant keywords to rank your site. Therefore, what you share is more essential than what you have shared several times.

Skip Plagiarized Content

After talking about how to avoid excessive postings on a social network, it’s also important that every piece of your content is unique. Many social media platforms have recently changed their algorithms to prefer original and exclusive content over other pirated content. They also prefer highly interesting content with more likes and comments. So when sharing on social media, leave boring suggestions, and use clear text with attractive images, videos, or graphics.

Text-based Is Now Outdated

Once you know the power of unique content, it’s also important to know how much text to use to publish your content on a website, blog, or another website. Most of them use only text to convey their content. Now it’s time to pay attention to a more recent trend: video content. You can also use other forms of content, such as infographics, GIFs, audio, and meme. They have been much more effective than text content. This captures the public’s attention and forces them to take the necessary actions. So try to be concise, use different text formats, and increase your visibility. Connect with a reputed digital marketing company for better results.

Do Not Overlook Customer Engagement

A more personal connection with your audience is the best way to turn them into users. Responding to social media comments, integrating chat functionality on your website, and adding a question and answer session to your page are ways to connect with your audience and gain their trust. It helps in building a good reputation.

In a nutshell,

Now that you know the significance of the digital marketing services and its power to make or break brand, consider planning and approaching these marketing strategies for better ROI.

As we follow the phase shift in digitization, it continues to evolve the global market. Keeping up with marketing trends and using them in the myriad ways available to promote your organization’s products or services is a comprehensive and specialized job.

Working solely on rolling out these strategies might lead to flawed digital marketing campaign, if you miss any critical factors. Leading your business under the guidance an expert digital marketing company will make your journey easy and help strategize your business.

Why You Should Embrace Digital Marketing Services For Foreign Markets?

Ultimately, every small business owner wants their business to grow more and more. But how do you turn a small business into a large company? What are the most effective tips for expanding small businesses to expand a business beyond its current status?

Starting a business is one thing; another is knowing how to build a business. But knowing how to grow a business is extremely important if you want to maintain your business’s success and financial well-being. If you cannot grow and scale your business, you will be at risk of falling behind if the market changes or if a competitor dismantles your business.

However, it can seem just as daunting to grow your business. This means working even harder than you already do, perhaps hiring additional employees and even getting finance to cover the additional cost towards business expansion. While adopting new technologies, result-centric online marketing services, and mainly dedicated SEO services, many businesses can expand their perimeters to global level.

According to Statista, by February 2020, around 13% increase in digital marketing budget was reported in contrast to 2019 August.

Still, businesses seem to be more optimistic about their expansion plans. Below are some benefits of taking your business overseas

Advantages of Expanding Your Business Internationally

Digital Marketing Services

Leaving your current boundaries and extending it to new horizons is expected to be a challenging task, built also comes with a pack full of merits.

Let’s learn what they are,

You get a pool of potential customers.

Business expansion has the potential to expose its products and services to a wider audience. By expanding your customer base, you can convert more customers and improve your sales. This leads to greater profits. As your team members, customers are important for the success of your business.

More finance opportunities

Successful expansion of your business can put you in a favorable position to obtain the necessary funds. This financing can be a lifeline for your business during the expansion process, and once the expansion has taken place, you can return to it. A company with a solid financial position and greater market share can usually obtain financing without problems.

Taping more markets 

The expansion can allow you to move your company to another region, state, or even abroad. If relocation is an option, consider the benefits. You can get better access to customers, an important aspect to keep in mind when considering a change.

What to Do First Before Entering a New International Market

Planning any international venture often comes from businesses with healthy balance sheets, significant sales figures, a talented team, and loyal customers. But following this trail reaps mixed results. It works both ways.

So once you finalized tapping a new international market, there is one thing you need to do right now.

Strategized before entering the new market

You might have a healthy rapport with your local customers, but it is essential to think about how you will build that same relationship in another country where you no or little reputation. Consider a factor that is your company capable enough to hold the momentum on a long-term basis.

We don’t wish to demotivate your plans, but it is best to analyse every point of risk and challenges.

Some common challenges you may face in the new international market include,

  • Cultural barriers
  • Compliance and taxation
  • Fierce local competition
  • The operational risk with the required talent

Do not get terrified; the intention here is to get into the international market with every point checked and not meeting any unplanned scenario. Have a backup plan for you every strategy drafted to enter a new international border.

Moving ahead, once your entry strategy is in place, it is now time to figure out a robust marketing strategy.

This is where the power of digital marketing services comes into action.

Why Digital Marketing?

Digital marketing is one of the fascinating things that have occurred to companies for a long time. Small and medium-sized companies, to be specific, took advantage by leveraging the sales and marketing processes that were earlier accessible only to large companies with a huge marketing budget.

Overall, online marketing offers small businesses up to three and a half times more opportunities to expand their workforce and expand their businesses. It acts like a booster for your business, propelling you much faster and more profitably than other methods.

Types of Digital Marketing You Can Use

Online marketing is one cornerstone of any strategy that nurtures digital engagement and revenue generation. Thus, the options are wide enough to choose from.

  • Pay-Per-Click (PPC) marketing
  • SEO (Search Engine Optimization)
  • Content marketing includes blogging & article writing
  • Content offerings such as whitepapers, eBooks, etc
  • Video production
  • Email marketing
  • Social media marketing

How Digital Marketing Influences International Business Expansion

Digital marketing has modernized the approach of doing business locally. It is now possible to expand globally with considerably low costs. The e-commerce industry’s surge, clubbed with affordable international deliveries and progressively tech-driven digital platforms, is constantly eroding financial barriers between international consumers and local businesses.

Digital marketing services prepare you to compete on equal terms with the big giants. Your operations might attain a lower margin but still get great results.

Considering the digital market’s importance to enter a new international market, it is important to note a full proof digital marketing strategy.

Let’s discuss,

Tips for Effective Digital Marketing Strategy for International Business Expansion

Before rolling out your digital marketing strategies, go through policies set by local officials. Picking the right location becomes an integral part here. Choose countries that leverage favorable business policies and are tech-literate.

Use Localized PPC

Running PPC campaigns in the international market is an ideal way to expand your brand abroad. To succeed, you must overcome language barriers and understand cultural differences in the desired market. Other cultural considerations include adapting your PPC ad campaign to the most used device in a specific location and considering the time slot where chances of gaining conversion are high.

Focus On Automated Targeting

Automating processes that normally require a lot of time and resources contributes significantly to developing an effective marketing strategy. Companies will increasingly rely on marketing intelligence for this. Automated coordination of ads, broadcast schedules, and data-based channels helps initiate targeted interactions with end customers. Due to daily routines, changing spending habits can be resolved quickly with automated multichannel segmentation, such as mobile push notifications.

Authorized Local Website Domain

As we are rapidly adopted digitization, having a local website domain plays a critical role in coping with the search engines. Consider ccTLD (country-coded top-level domain) as it depicts feelings for local customers.

Use Customer Analysis as a Base

Data has become an even more fundamental resource for marketers as it is a valuable customer information source. The closure has strengthened digital business models that can only be integrated into an effective cross-channel strategy using innovative technologies. Using customer analytics, you can collect and analyse relevant data and touchpoints to enable targeted optimization. Companies that can intelligently collect and analyse their primary data throughout the customer journey have a competitive advantage.

Emphasize On Social Engagement

Social media platforms narrow down your paths to the targeted audience by creating your profiles, posting regularly, and connecting with your followers. If you haven’t already, you need to develop a global and regional social media strategy that aligns with your digital and content strategy. When speaking to an international audience, consider where your audience is indifferent demographic categories.

Benefit From a Personal Approach

It is essential to have a personalized approach that adapts to the situation of each user. Using data to segment customers into multichannel profiles and using associated granular marketing on websites and other communication channels, marketers are much more likely to increase their conversion rates. Brands will adapt their offers for impulse purchases based on their customers’ interests and preferences. Sites should use applications such as resizing images and attractive graphics.

So these were some of the best strategies related to digital marketing you can use for business expansion. Well it does take time and money to some extent, but results are sustainable.

Over to you,

Things are constantly changing in the business world. New products and technologies are under constant innovation. Market trends are changing faster than most can keep up, so if your company can keep up, you’ll have a great opportunity. By being open to new ideas and perspectives, your company can connect with partners and customers in your destination country. If you approach new ideas wisely, execute those that match your business objectives, and reject the others, you can keep your business expansion plans running effortlessly. This also helps in enhancing your business in the home market.

Need an Expert Digital Marketing Company?

Best1Tech is the leading digital marketing consultant, providing companies of all sizes with effective advice and support to get their business back on track through wide range of marketing services.

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5 Digital Marketing Strategy That Can Help You Thrive Amid COVID-19

Our world is facing a hard time. The spread of coronavirus has forced businesses to stand still. Every business is seeing a downfall, as this pandemic hard hits our economy. Amid this chaos, we shouldn’t leave our hopes. Remember, opportunities are waiting for you on the horizon.   

Online marketing has been outshined as a solution to deal with the current situation. No doubt, your audience is searching for answers online. A powerful Digital Marketing Strategy will help your brand in reaching potential customers.  

It is high time to increase your digital footprint and make way to reach your customers online. In further paragraphs, we will be discussing five important digital marketing strategies that can help you thrive amid COVID-19.  

COVID-19 Digital Marketing Strategy 2020 to Outshine as a Winner  

  • Use Social Media Marketing to reach your customers  

In the present scenario, we all are giving our best in adopting the new normal. Employees are working from home, students are attending online classes, live webinars find their way into your daily schedule, and people are spending more time on social media platforms. This is the reason why you need to boost your brands presence on social media.   

Speak up to your audience about your business performance. Let them know that you are present online and are working hard to deal with the situation. It is essential to use unique ways to strengthen your relationship with them. Come up with creative content and online campaigns to keep your customers adhere to your page.  

If appropriate, post value-based content, comic relief, educational content, live-at-home content, and more. By portraying your brand as more human, you are likely to converge more engagement or support. 

  • Paid Advertising is a smart move  

With a more significant number of people online provides your brand with an opportunity to attract more potential eyes with PPC marketing. 

A 40% increase is recorded in the use of Whatsapp, which suggests that this is the right time to invest in Instagram and Facebook advertising. According to Jacob Wulff- Thrive, senior PPC manager, the cost-per-clicks have decreased by 6% across all verticals, which again shows that the ball is in your court. Hence your business must come forward to grab this opportunity.  

It is suggested to craft a quality message taking into consideration the customers’ sentiments and behavior.  

  • Influencer Marketing can give you a breakthrough  

As already mentioned, screen time on social media is booming. Approaching the right influencer can give your brand the desired breakthrough. As they are the people with many followers, it would be significant to market through influencers. Before approaching one of them, make sure that they have the right audience for your brand. Also, you have to be extra conscious of the sensitivity of the message displayed. Else, it can backfire.  

  • Focus on SEO Marketing   

Putting quality time in increasing your organic traffic will be like grasping at straws. Let SEO minimize your brand’s concern on online visibility. We all want to be highlighted on the first page of Google’s SERP and top the list so that when a customer types a specific keyword, your brand should be on the top to attend their queries. SEO digital marketing can increase your chances of getting more organic traffics. The ladder to top the list requires perfect strategies. Hence, it is essential to invest in the best SEO service to optimize your website content regularly.   

Below mentioned are a few tips to improve your SEO: 

  • Find trending keywords to get proper visibility  
  • Invest in SEO if/not your brand is positively/negatively impacted by the pandemic 


  • Utilize this downtime to improve Web Development and Design   

As more customers are online searching for answers to their queries, keeping your website up to date will be a significant step. For every business online, the website reflects the emotion of their brand. An updated website has the power to hold customers’ interest. It’s better to utilize this downtime to uplift your website’s overall experience. Also, we suggest having a CRO audit to ensure your CTAs are converting visitors into customers.  

Below provided are some of the latest features to have on your website amid COVID-19: 

  • A simple landing page  
  • Appropriate banners   
  • Email sign-ups   
  • Welcoming imagery  

Wrapping up 

Don’t fall victim to the panic move. As a smart digital marketer, use intelligent digital marketing strategies to face the situation. Play your part well, and success will be yours.  

Best1Tech is one of the best companies to offer digital marketing services. We can help you settle with a perfect digital marketing strategy, where you will be crowned as a winner.   

Let’s discuss our services. Feel free to contact us.  

Digital Marketing Strategies: How SEO Elements Are Favorable for Business?

There has been enough debate over choosing the right digital marketing approach. As online presence appears to be the core need, businesses are now keen on executing online marketing strategies that yield results.

Today, we will discuss some most preferred strategies to drive their online rankings and traffic. (SEO) Search engine optimization and (SEM) search engine marketing are two critical pillars of digital marketing strategy.

SEO and SEM are two terms and acronyms that are often used interchangeably, without a clear conclusion of how they are alike and how they are diverse. They have a corresponding correlation and, when used optimally, can offer excellent marketing results.

SEO is all about optimizing your website to get a rank higher in organic search results, while SEM goes beyond SEO. It includes other techniques that can direct traffic to search engines, such as PPC ads.

What Is SEO And SEM In General?

SEO is the course of improving your website search ability to get free search engine traffic. SEO is vital because an optimized website is easy to understand for the crawlers and can boost the probability of ranking higher on SERPs

SEO needs to evolve to cope with Google’s ever-changing algorithms continually. However, one thing that remains consistent is the foundation of on-page and off-page activities as its foundation stones.

While on the other side,

Search engine marketing goes beyond SEO, but it is only a subset of your overall digital marketing strategy. SEM is a digital marketing process to increase search engines’ visibility, either through obtaining organic traffic through SEO or paid traffic through PPC advertising.

SEM is more emphasized to gain visibility in search results via paid advertising on search engines. These ads are commonly known as pay per click (PPC) ads. Many other terms are used for SEM activities, including cost-per-click (CPC) ads or paid search ads.

In short, SEO follows an organic way of gaining traffic, while SEM strategies are built to target online audiences through organic or inorganic ways.

Multiple Ways Both SEO and SEM Strategies Can Be Executed

As SEO at base follows two core approaches: on-page and off-page, both have distinctive elements that need to be recognized first.

For on-page SEO, Some of the most common yet useful elements include;

  • Precisely written copy with strategic keyword research
  • Optimizing meta-data comprising image Alt tag, meta description, page title tag, targeted keywords
  • Keyword focused and identical page URLs
  • Optimized page speed
  • Social media sharing and integration in content

Similarly, for off-page SEO, elements such as

  • Effective link building
  • Social bookmarking on sites such as Reddit
  • Social media sharing
  • Article submission
  • Blog submission

Whereas, in terms of SEM, it includes

  • Creating ad campaigns
  • Landing page optimization
  • Keyword development
  • Ad copy development
  • Optimizing pre and post-campaign metric

In a nutshell,

SEM strategies are now an integral part of current marketing strategies. Other methods, such as social media, email, have their significance. Investing in SEM is turned out to be the most critical part of online marketing, thanks to the considerable potential for new leads and profits.

Search engine marketing traffic is measured as the primary source for internet traffic, as it is a targeted strategy. It is generally seen that online users typically run a query on search engines to find a specific solution, an answer to their curiosity, or mainly to explore new things.

However, SEO lays the foundation for SEM with well-optimized content that prospects and customers find useful. Without search-optimized blog content, landing pages, web pages, your SEM efforts will fail due to low quality. Obtaining high visibility in SERPs will, therefore, be extremely challenging.

Both SEO and SEM are equally interlaced when it comes to online marketing.

For more comprehensive coverage on the above services, connect with Best1tech. We offer result oriented and traffic guaranteed digital marketing services for all niches.

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Online Marketing Services: 5 Realistic Strategies To Implement Now

The marketing approach used by entrepreneurs was outbound marketing. In outbound marketing, the advertiser placed ads in different mediums such as print, television, radio. While this marketing approach has worked for a long time, the target audience is smart and learned to block ads in different ways. This was a huge problem for entrepreneurs.

According HubSpot Inbound marketing costs 62% less per lead than traditional, outbound marketing.

So based on this, what could be the best way to gain maximum traction through online marketing services?

Through the different social media channels, you have chosen for your specific business and various other forms of online communication. The truth is that business people today are too busy and impatient to spend a lot of time with anyone. If you can communicate with them quickly and effectively, they will listen to you and return for more information.

It is a win-win situation.

Top Strategies To Ask For In Online Marketing Services

So, how to start online marketing,

Below are some top and result-oriented strategies to start at first,

Influence Marketing

With influencer marketing, you can connect with high-level people online and share your products with subscribers. In other words, influencing marketing can build relationships that can help you attract loyal customers.

Influencer marketing plans give you access to our extensive directory of experts who can have positive online conversations about your company, products, and brand.

It helps you create personalized campaigns to reach ideal customers with content created by influencers. And you get support to help you maximize online engagement with your business.

Around 90% of people who recalled reading online reviews claimed that positive online reviews influence their buying decisions, according to Dimensional Research.

Social media

Mckinsey states that there are 1.5 billion social media users across the globe and the number appears to be increasing.

By being present on social media platforms, your company can connect with current and potential customers, making it an essential online marketing strategy.

You can use social media to engage users, provide useful information about your business, and create relationships that encourage them to buy. If anyone has questions about your company, they can contact you directly via social media and help you take the next steps with your company.

Email advertising

As per the Statista, 49% of consumers say they would like to receive promotional emails from their favorite brands on a weekly basis.

Email marketing allows you to connect directly with people in your inbox. And that can provide an incredible return on your investment you get the potential to earn every dollar you spend.

For example, if someone downloads an SEO guide, you can use additional resources and useful information to learn more about your services.

Email is a great way to keep in touch with current and potential customers and update them so they can stay in charge of your business.

Pay Per Click (PPC) ads

Pay per click (PPC) is a popular model of online advertising. With PPC, marketers, through search engines, placed sponsored links for specific keywords and phrases. If your bid is one of the highest for a particular keyword, your ad will appear above the organic search results when users enter that keyword in the search bar.

One of PPC’s benefits as an internet marketing strategy is that your ads can send relevant and qualified traffic to your website as soon as it is clicked.

Reputation management

Reputation management services help your company appear more reliable in the eyes of Internet users. This can help your company monitor and manage online ratings and reviews to take on your company’s online reputation.

Reputation management services allow you to take a proactive approach, avoid a reputation crisis, and show your strengths online. It helps you maintain and present positive reviews on sites like Google, Yelp, and Facebook.

Why You Should Opt For An Online Marketing Service Provider?

When it comes to plan internet marketing strategy for your business, it is essential to remember that traditional marketing and inbound marketing are essential and that, if you can use the two marketing approaches together, your marketing strategy will be more effective. Together, they will create an incredible buzz that people won’t soon forget. People will love to hear your story if it’s relatable and makes sense to them.

Let Best1tech plan your internet marketing strategies

At Best1Tech, we provide various types of online marketing, including content marketing, SEO, PPC, email marketing, social media, and others to help reach more customers and generate more revenue online.  Our Internet marketers have years of business experience, and we know what it takes to optimize your online presence and help to surge your business.

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